The Martial Arts Myth of "I'm Too Deadly To Spar"
If you had 100 guys that sparred regularly, 2-3 min. rounds, every few times a week vs. 100 guys who never sparred at all, and pit them against each other, 99 out of the 100 guys who sparred would win.
For the naysayers who contest this thought experiment, allow us to ask you the following. Do you really think the guys that never went past 3 seconds of live non-compliant action would win against guys who know exactly what to expect after that first 3 seconds?
Trying to argue against this idea would only expose you as both an inexperienced practitioner and teacher.
Why do men who have no fighting experience keep proclaiming they can fight?
How To Deal With A Martial Arts Cult Leader
How To Recognize A Martial Arts Fraud / Cult
Martial arts is a lot like religion, and going to a martial arts school is a lot like going to a church.
You find your school / gym that you like, go inside and socialize with the teacher and the students, and if they seem like a good fit, you dedicate either a few months, or a few decades of your life spending time with them.
However, much like religion (or a belief system), martial arts can vary between quality, instruction, and practicality. Some martial arts schools can be great, while others are downright dangerous scams or cults.
How To Become A Master of Martial Arts
Martial Arts Frauds: Dominick Izzo Wing Chun
One of the worst examples of a fraudulent martial arts teacher is a YouTuber by the name of Dominick Izzo Wing Chun, who has been proven by multiple sources as a cult leader, liar, and fraud who made up an entire online persona just to make money off unsuspecting victims.
Be wary of anyone that advertises their martial art as brutal, deadly, or not for sport.
One of the biggest red flags in martial arts is when someone tries to sell their art as exceptionally dangerous or violent. All martial arts are dangerous and violent when trained effectively.
That's the entire point.
Your art is too deadly for the ring? Mine is too deadly for the streets.
Generally, there's a myth that training with less safety equipment makes your training "more realistic".
The reality is safety equipment actually exists to ensure you can train harder and more often without injury.
Why The Level of Athleticism Required Matters In Your Martial Arts
Many people are often enamoured with the martial arts, and what they represent.
Little do people know, the generally accepted "idea" of the martial arts, which mostly come from fictional action movies, stage / fight choreography, or other forms of art or pop culture where martial arts are featured, are rooted more in make believe fantasies rather than in reality.
Often times, people who do not train seriously in martial arts or have a beginner's / low level understanding of them, assume that technique and skill will always overcome size, strength, speed, and athleticism.
Yet if that were true, there would be no such thing as weight classes in martial arts, combat sports, and in the Olympics, or gender divisions in professional sports.
The Problem with Chinese Martial Arts (Schrödinger's Kung Fu)
Meet Ang Quan, the ancestral art to Muay Boran / Muay Thai Boxing
A little known, ancient style of martial arts named Ang Quan has resurfaced on Chinese social media in recent years. We here at Dynasty are always passionate about the martial arts and history, so we have went and researched online about this subject, and will now cover this martial art in this blog post.
The Self-Fulfilling Death Loop of Non-Competitive Martial Arts
There is an intrinsic problem that exists in many forms of non-competitive, "self-defense" martial arts - mostly older martial arts styles, but can be applied to any martial art that does not contain or emphasize a competitive sports component.